dc.contributorFausto Neto, Antonio
dc.creatorSilva, Gilson Luiz Piber da
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to examine the analytics of sports mediatization, through the discursive strategies of columns written by Juca Kfouri and Tostão about the 2014 World Cup in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo. The research problem is formulated as follows: how analytics of mediatization appears in the journalistic sphere, from the discursive and enunciative strategies in the columns of Juca Kfouri and Tostao about the World Cup in 2014, published in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo? The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first one searches to measure the importance of studies on mediatization associated with the different social practices related to the social organization. The second one addresses on how mediatization affects specifically journalistic practices, according to the actions of several techno-discursive operations. The third emphasizes the column, which is one of the journal environmental instances, through which also occur operations of journalism mediatization. The study shows that the analytical happens around enunciation marks and discursive strategies carried out by the work of column/columnists in the complex journalism environment. It is understood, therefore, analytical mediatization as ways to say, to point and to evaluate a particular event in the subjected and initiative perspective.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectEstratégias discursivas
dc.subjectDiscursive strategies
dc.titleAnalítica da midiatização esportiva: estratégias discursivas das colunas/istas Juca Kfouri e Tostão sobre a Copa do Mundo de 2014 na folha de São Paulo

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