dc.contributorKlein, Amarolinda Iara da Costa Zanela
dc.creatorReis, Tatiane Brum de Oliveira
dc.description.abstractEntrepreneurs in the creative industry, capable of turning ideas into creative products and services for society (UNCTAD, 2010), often find challenges related to the balance between their artistic inclinations and the development of their businesses, usually having little managerial experience. The development of entrepreneurial skills is thus presented as a possible alternative so that these entrepreneurs may overcome these challenges. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing what are the consequences of experiential learning and the use of gamification in the development of entrepreneurial abilities for entrepreneurs in the creative industry, in this case, music industry professionals. The research method comprised an exploratory (qualitative) step to get to know the profile of the professionals (musicians), how they normally learn and what their professional learning needs are, followed by an experimental step (true, field experiment), which was carried out by through a training activity for the development of specific entrepreneurial competence, identified as a necessity in the exploratory stage (time management). This qualification and training initiative was based (both in the control group and in the experimental group) in the experiential approach, with gamification being introduced only in the experimental group. Thus, we tested the possible effects of these two aspects in the development of entrepreneurial abilities in entrepreneurs in the creative industry (musicians). The results indicate that experiential learning contributed to the development of entrepreneurial abilities in entrepreneurs in the creative industry, especially because this approach enables the emergence of a continuous process based on actions and reflections on the daily practices carried out by these professionals. The results also indicate that use of gamification elements contributes to the engagement of these professionals in experiential learning, even though it does not directly affect learning results (that is, the development of their entrepreneurial skills).
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento de competências empreendedoras
dc.subjectDevelopment of entrepreneurial skills
dc.titleAprendizagem experiencial e gamificação no desenvolvimento de competências empreendedoras na indústria criativa: um estudo com profissionais da música

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