dc.description.abstract | The investigation of this thesis aims to comprehend if the participation of women in solidary economy may be constituted on a strategy of coping with the gender violence on the Mountain Region in Santa Catarina. The field research took place with women who participate on solidary economy enterprises in the cities of Lages, Otacílio Costa and Rio Rufino. With representatives from the judiciary power, managers from city women public departments, from economic development and the civil society who are part of the public policies for women and solidary economy in the city of Lages. The participants’ perceptions were gathered through online talks with several individuals participating, face to face interviews and through semistructured questionnaire. The dialogue was based on the principles of popular education with the traditional “Freireana” pedagogy and the decolonizing movement of knowledge, power and gender with an epistemological Latin-American perspective. The interaction between the historic dialectic materialism theory and the flow of the field voices is gazed throughout the text, having for its basis the knowledge, actions and wisdom of the research subjects. The analysis allowed us to comprehend that: (a) the reality on which the research object moves is historic, has a context, is in constant movement and transformation; (b) the conditions and synthesis of multiple determinations on which the social phenomena is externalized take place in men and women with their thoughts, feelings and actions that build their story; although they do not choose the circumstances under which they are held because they were transmitted by past generations; (c) the strategy of women participating in solidary economy as a method of coping with the gender violence may be valid and powerful when it does not reduce itself to “the other economy” on the economic dimension, but it is seen as the whole dimensions of material and immaterial life; (d) the strategy of participation on solidary economy also carries the possibility of resisting and re-existing face the production method of a capitalist hegemonic sociability, because it problematizes and points to other forms of social life; ( e ) the representatives from the public power who act on the solidary economy policy and on the policies for women present a limited vision and their actions are done in a shy form, that is why it had irrelevant meaning to the participants of the solidary economic enterprises; (f) from the interviewed women we heard incisive testimonials about the power of solidary economy as a strategy of coping with the gender violence, though with no ready recipe. We identified people and organizations in the struggle, we noticed an emergent culture on the combat of the patriarch system, the macho culture and the gender violence against women. Individual and social conscience are forged in and by the transformative praxis. Facing violence implicates many aspects of enormous complexity. (g) Strategies do not impose, themselves or are built by pedagogically planned mediations, unified and the solo participation of the solidary economy is insufficient, because other amplified and net woven strategies are indispensable considering the correlation of forces and the struggle. | |