dc.creatorAndrade, Marinalva Oliveira de
dc.identifierANDRADE, Marinalva Oliveira de. The psychosocial impact of decorretes sequelae of stroke in the individual phase of production and its impact on family. 2008. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2008.
dc.description.abstractCerebral vascular accident (A.V. C) it is a sudden and unablely illness. In accordance with the affected area and the injury extension , the most varied of sequels will occur, over all, those of motor order, taking the injured individual to the loss of its independence and autonomy, bringing damage to the accomplishments of the activities of daily life, with important repercussions in the life quality and the dynamics of the intra and extra family relationship. The qualitative nature study ahead, was carried through in the occupational therapy clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas UFPE , in Recife city and aimed to understand the psicossocial impact that the decurrent motor sequels of the AVC had caused to the individual in productive phase and its repercussions in the familiar scope. Seven families had participated of the research, whose genitors, aged between thirty five and fifty years, had been injured for the first time with the pathology. The research also involved the spouses and children, in the total of twenty seven participants. It was used for data collection, a semidirected interview elaborated by the researcher. The data analysis demonstrates the familiar structure importance in the confrontation of the pathology demands and the feeling of loss, inferiority, anger, fear, revenge, desire of death, disillusionment and abandonment, which shows the vulnerability and deterioration that the injured individual and its family now live in this battle. We still point out, the importance of the family and of the entails established in the interior of it, in the process of taking care of the injured individual, which can join the family, fact observed in the majority of the families in this study, or can also collapse the family. The research also describes how this injured individual perceives itself in the familiar dynamics, it describes the couple relationship dynamics, which we can note that also get harmed, in virtue of injured individual isn t perceived occupying the same place for his mate. We still focus, how the children had started to perceive the father/mother injured
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambuco
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectpsicologia clínica
dc.subjectpsicoterapia familiar
dc.subjectfamilias com problemas - aspectos psicológicos
dc.subjectacidente vascular cerebral - aspectos psicológicos
dc.subjectacidente vascular cerebral - aspectos sociais
dc.subjectclinical psychology
dc.subjectfamilies with problems - psychological aspects
dc.subjectstroke - psychological aspects
dc.subjectstroke - social aspects
dc.titleO impacto psicossocial das sequelas decorretes do acidente vascular cerebral no indivíduo em fase produtiva e suas repercussões na família

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