dc.contributorWander, Paulo Roberto
dc.creatorSchuh, Laercio Henrique
dc.description.abstractThe study of Archimedes screw power generation comes from the interest of applying alternative technologies that can supply the energy demand of small localities, since Brazil has a huge hydroelectric potential. The main features of this technology are: its use in waters below 5 to 15 m, without the need for accumulation reservoir and less aggressiveness in the environment, because its geometry and operating resources use the passage of fish through the turbine channel. Thus, the objective of this work is to construct a laboratory scale prototype of an Archimedes turbine and study the effects of leakage variation on an efficiency model, the range at which it performs best, and the relationship of leakage and velocity tests of rotation at the same yield. An estimated methodology use of design and manufacturing tools for prototype construction and screw testing at a 27 ° inclination with horizontal plane. As leaks from selected experiments from 21% to 185% of the nominal design leakage, where torsion filters were collected in different torques generated from the use of the drive axle braking system, with a friction and counterweight element with Prony brake assistance, and using tracking through the digital photo tachometer. The results show the versatility of the technology since the prototype is efficient over a range of 53% to 115% of nominal leakage, has rotational performance for leakage ranges and indicates leakage and related statistics directly over a range of 84 to 149% of the project leak. Outside this range, as hydraulics have a strong influence on performance
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectGeração de energia
dc.subjectPower generation
dc.titleGeração de energia com o uso do parafuso de Arquimedes

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