dc.contributorFreitas Junior, José Carlos da Silva
dc.creatorSantos, Josiani Selau dos
dc.description.abstractOver the last few years, there has been a tendency to change legislation in the aim of guiding the independent cooperatives, i.e. cooperatives that are not associated to a union, central office or system, to integrate a central cooperative. This movement aims to strengthen these cooperatives so that they are able to survive the financial system’s competitive environment. Taking into consideration this scenario and the relevance of this theme for the National Cooperative Credit System’s prospects, the present paper contributes not only to the academia, but also in a pragmatic way to society. Under this perspective, we sought to understand, through literature review and interviews with specialists and managers from these cooperatives, how the relation between the independent cooperatives and the central cooperative is established in the integration process. It is important to highlight that the present dissertation is a qualitative study, which was developed using the Design Science Research (DSR) method. Regarding results, independent Brazilian cooperative banks associated to a system were analyzed, allowing us to identify the challenges and opportunities faced by these cooperatives. Besides, we built a framework that serves as a tool to support the cooperatives, guiding them step-by-step on the execution and the decision-making processes throughout this complex change that is the integration process.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectPrincípios do cooperativismo
dc.subjectDesign science research (DSR)
dc.titleIntegração entre cooperativas de crédito singulares e cooperativa central: uma proposta de framework

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