dc.contributorScaletsky, Celso Carnos
dc.creatorNerva, Flávio da Cunha
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to develop a design method for behavior change through cognition based on the creation of exploratory artifacts of a metaphorical nature in the area of Persuasive Design. Exploratory technology is designed to help users explore and understand information about themselves. It starts from the assumption that this technology facilitates the reflective process from the construction of metaphors by the subject himself, in order to identify behaviors arising from non-visible cognitive processes, peculiar in the motivational stage of pre-contemplation of the Transteoric model. From the literature review and the deepening of the understanding of the context of behavior change, we sought to raise "elements" of reference for the process of change in the context of Persuasive Design. The review demonstrated that there is a gap and a need for better investigate the concept of Exploratory Technologies, as indicated by Dey (2013). The review also points to a lack of specific methods for the development of these technologies. The method used was that of action research through design, which presupposed two stages. The first, through interactions between designers (designers and technicians) and people linked to the context of the theme - in workshops to generate design guidelines for the development of an artifact. The second, through participant observation in order to evaluate the interaction of volunteer subjects with the artifacts. The guidelines were applied, prototyped and validated in three design cycles, by means of a research council composed by Psychologist, Design and by the researcher with training in Strategic Design. As a result, eleven exploratory technologies were indicated, nineteen design guidelines were proposed and a Method was created that supports designers in the Development of Exploratory Technologies based on Metaphors - called MDTExM - for behavior change focusing on the subject's subjective well-being. It is important to note that the main legacy of the research goes beyond the method created. The construction process may serve other investigations that seek to develop design method.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectExploratory technology
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de um método de design para projetação de uma tecnologia exploratória de natureza metafórica

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