dc.contributorMedeiros, Daniel Reis
dc.creatorLonghi, Fernanda Tiecher
dc.description.abstractThe residential spaces point to a new design, based on the more human relationship with the user, in which the focus on their physical and emotional well-being should be valued during the architectural conception of the enterprise. This way of thinking, is changing the look on the residential architecture, helping in the construction of a new paradigm of healthier housing. In this sense, the residential architecture must surpass the technical composition, simple and formal of the environments, being necessary the search for alternatives and instruments to improve the quality of the dwellings. In this way, the need arises for architecture projects to consider, first and foremost, the individuals who will inhabit them, orienting and planning spaces that facilitate their living in all aspects, respecting the individuality and particularities of each type of user. Based on these data, it is investigated how the built environment can contribute to the promotion of the health of the user, in particular to multifamily residential projects. With this, the objective of this work is the creation of a guideline composed of design guidelines, in order to help future housing projects be qualitatively superior to the current ones. Thus, the concept of healthy architecture should become a formality contained in norms, laws, regulations and in the conceptions of professionals responsible for the design of housing environments. This dissertation is characterized as a Research Design research, aligned with the strategy of constructive research, since it aims to solve a real problem through the creation of an artifact. In order to do so, it was based on the multidisciplinary literature of the theme, with reference to existing techniques and instruments, such as the Well Certification and the Selo Casa Saudável. In which, concepts were sought that should be incorporated into the projects, in order to mitigate the risk factors that affect the health of the user. It is concluded that the Architect has a fundamental role in the design of healthier environments, so it is understood that the use of the proposed guide will serve as a basis for the development of healthy multifamily residential projects.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.titleArquitetura residencial multifamiliar mais saudável: proposição de um Guia Orientativo composto por diretrizes projetuais saudáveis

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