dc.description.abstract | The aim of the study was to analyze the recent trajectory of Agricultural Machinery and Implements in Rio Grande do Sul, in the period 1995-2010. As methodology, beyond the literature review, we used the location quotient (LQ), used as a relative indicator of expertise, from the database RAIS / MTE. Furthermore, were analyzed the production variables and domestic sales in wholesale based on ANFAVEA, and exports from MDIC. As results, it was observed that changes in the pattern of competitiveness of this industry are related to the changes generated by the introduction of technological innovations in products and processes in this segment. Regarding the number of establishments and employees, there was a increase during the period, with emphasis on the northwestern region of the state. With regard to production specialization, it can be stated that the sector is constituted as a center of expertise on the Rio Grande do Sul and in the northwest of the state. The production, domestic sales and exports showed progress throughout the period analized, with the exception of 2005, due to the climate crisis faced by the agricultural sector. It is confirmed, thus the importance of Rio Grande do Sul and the northwest in the national Agricultural Machines and Implements. | |