dc.contributorPereira, Giancarlo Medeiros
dc.creatorMarcolin, Felipe de Oliveira
dc.description.abstractCompanies face barriers to Ind 4.0. Such barriers may include financial resources, as new solutions may require significant investments, uncertainties about the economic return, and concerns related to lack of knowledge or technical capacity. These barriers are even more pronounced in SMEs with scarce financial resources and little or no technological capacity. This research aims to identify how to support entities of an innovation ecosystem can leverage the adoption of Ind 4.0 in SMEs. The study employed the multiple case study method, qualitative and exploratory. A survey investigated seventeen agents participating in an innovation ecosystem. Five SMEs with Ind 4.0 initiatives, six suppliers of Ind 4.0 technology solutions, and six support entities (technology centers, universities, and government agencies). The analysis of the data collected helps in a vast way to reveal the barriers to the adoption of Ind 4.0 as well as its mitigators. The results contribute by indicating which support entities help SMEs in the adoption of Ind 4.0 in the following actions: a) internal awareness about the possibilities and benefits related to the adoption of Ind 4.0 technologies; b) analysis and selection of the most common alternatives to the reality of each company; c) implementation of solutions; and d) post-implementation management of solutions. The observation and application of these actions expand scientific knowledge about the innovation projects of the I.40. They can enable successful projects, as well as increase the results and profitability of SMEs.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectEntidades de apoio
dc.subjectSupporting entities
dc.titleO papel das entidades de apoio na mitigação de barreiras à adoção da indústria 4.0 nas pequenas e médias empresas

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