dc.description.abstract | This dissertation analyzes the world reading proposed by Paulo Freire, related to the reading that the children do about the feeding. It presents discussion about feeding, since the child reads the world around her and she has considerations to do about her food choices, motivated many times by the possibilities of the context where they live. For this, the general objective of this study is to analyze how the children aged 7 and 8 years “read” the world regarding the their food choices, directed by the problem: Which world reading of feeding the children aged 7 and 8 years do about the feeding at the Paulo Freire Public School in the municipality of Impetriz-MA? The development of the investigative path was given from the inspiration in the participate research, with analysis of the data production by the content analysis on Bardin (2012), with methodological procedures with a set of conversations. The research was carried out with 8 children aged 7 and 8 years from Paulo Freire Municipal School in the city of Imperatriz- MA, from 2nd grade of the elementary school of the initial series. A set of conversations was held also with 3 school meal servers. The following specific objectives were drawn: To understand the food choices of children aged 7 and 8 years from Paulo Freire Municipal school from Imperatriz- MA; To discuss about reading and world reading of the feeding that make the children aged 7 and 8 years from Paulo Freire Municipal school from Imperatriz-MA regarding the feeding; To contribute to the adequate feeding education from the nutritional point of view. In the analysis of data was possible to realize that the choices of the children are strongly motivated by the possibilities that are offered for them by the context where they are inserted. Their readings are involved in daily practices in home, in school, with the family in a general way. And there is also the reading only “at the look”, something which they even do not reach, options that were not offered | |