dc.contributorFronza, Cátia de Azevedo
dc.creatorCruz, Maricélia de Lemos
dc.description.abstractThis Master Degree final paper aims to analyze how contents related to phonetics and phonology, devoted to orality and to linguistic knowledge, are approached in two Portuguese didactical books designed to the sixth grade in Brazil´s Elementary School curriculum, seeking to verify if the activities related to these fields of study are coherent concerning the teaching and the usage of the language. This research takes into account two didactical books approved by the Didactical Book National Program (PNLD) 2014. The first one is “Singular e Plural – Leitura, produção e estudos de linguagem” (Sigular and plural – Reading, production and language studies), by Figueiredo, Balthasar and Goulart (2012), adopted by a private school in a city in the State of Maranhão; the second one, adopted by public schools, is “Vontade de saber português” (The Will of Knowing Portuguese), by Tavares and Conselvan (2012). This study theoretical base is concentrated in a retake of what is understood by phonetics and phonology, and on reflections about their differences and common features, highlighting phonological and phonetic variations, traces of orality and written forms, also considering historical aspects about the didactical books in Brazil. Studies by Rodrigues (2005), Borstel (2008), Silva (2012), Veloso and Rodrigues (2002), Batista (2011), Haupt (2012), Faracco (2014), amongst others, are also presented, once they relate to the subject of this paper. The analysis is presented in two phases. In the first one, we retake the reading of the Laws and Governmental Programs that preceded and influenced the Didactical Book National Program 2014 (PNLD), in Portuguese language, as well as the National Curricular Patterns (PCN) and the Portuguese Language Curricular Referential of Elementary School from the State of Maranhão (RCLPEF). When it comes to the didactical books, chapters and sections are considered towards the study of themes related to phonetics and phonology, aiming at observing the orality and the linguistic knowledge based on Brasil (2013) and Maranhão (2010), by presenting the respective and referred subjects in the didactical books. Having these subjects, we verify how they relate to the criteria adopted by the PLN 2014, as well as to the contents predicted by the RCLPEF (MARANHÃO, 2010), when it comes to the orality and to the linguistic knowledge. At last, we present considerations about the books analysis, highlighting that, in short, the works analyzed include necessary aspects to the work with orality and linguistic knowledge. Therefore, we see a necessity of more attention to such aspects in order to consider, in fact, the linguistics specificities of its users, without regards to social classes or regions of the country. Furthermore, we emphasize that the didactical book must not be the only source of knowledge on which the teacher relies exclusively, but an instrument to the teaching-learning process of the language in its school routine.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectLivros didáticos
dc.subjectDidactical books
dc.titleLivros didáticos de língua portuguesa do 6º ano do ensino fundamental: oralidade e conhecimentos linguísticos

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