dc.description.abstract | Studying the classroom environment of teachers in training is to play the important role of growing, developing and enabling the daily exchange of knowledge that lead to the universe of foreign languages. This thesis, based on the assumptions of sociocultural theory, concepts of language awareness, and also on the notions of collaborative tasks and the impacts of analysis and correction of errors, seeks for evidences on the knowledge development perceptions by English adult learners in lexical awareness, starting from implicit lexical teaching. For this, this study is a quali-quanti action research that seeks to broaden the discussion in the area of languages teaching-learning by investigating the process of learning English as a foreign language in the teacher training course of a university in Rio Grande do Sul. For the data analysis, semi-structured interviews, tests based on Paribakht and Wesche's Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) and viewing sessions with the teachers in formation were provided. The relevance of this thesis assumes that there is not a significant number of studies in the area and it contributes to the academic community in general, since it will produce knowledge establishing an interrelationship between the principals of sociocultural theory and lexical linguistic awareness. Through this thesis it is possible to assure that the implicit lexical teaching leads to lexical linguistic awareness. | |