dc.creatorPereira, Guilherme Fernando Cavalcanti
dc.identifierPEREIRA, Guilherme Fernando Cavalcanti. Análise geomecânica de duas encostas no município de Ipojuca-PE. 2020. 153 fl. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil. Mestrado em Engenharia Civil, 2020.
dc.description.abstractThe municipality of Ipojuca-PE is surrounded by irregularly and indiscriminately occupied hills. It has the third largest GDP in the State of Pernambuco with great socioeconomic relevance for the State. The present work aims to analyze the geomechanical behavior of the soils of two slopes of the Ipojuca Formation in the urban center of the city. The field geotechnical investigation consisted of collecting undisturbed and dented samples, determining hydraulic conductivity and panoramic flight in the urban center using a drone. In the laboratory tests were carried out for physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization, determination of the characteristic curve, hydraulic conductivity, double edometrics, direct shear tests with initial suctions. The slope stability was also analyzed using the Slope / W program. The soils are made up of clay sand, silts and clays of high and low plasticity, have low cation exchange capacity and activity. The presence of quartz is verified, with Riolite being the matrix rock. The mineralogy of the clay fraction is kaolinite and the characteristic curve of the soils is unimodal and bimodal. The increase in humidity causes a reduction in cohesion ranging from 5-80 kPa with increasing humidity, while the friction angle is little influenced, varying from 15-23 °. The potential sliding surface in the winter is more superficial with a safety factor close to 1.0.
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambuco
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTaludes (Mecânica do solo) - Ipojuca (Pernambuco, Brazil)
dc.subjectSolos - Compactação - Ipojuca (Pernambuco, Brazil)
dc.subjectTaludes (Geografia física)
dc.subjectSlopes (Soil Mechanics) - Ipojuca (Pernambuco, Brazil)
dc.subjectSoils - Compaction - Ipojuca (Pernambuco, Brazil)
dc.subjectSlopes (Physical Geography)
dc.titleAnálise geomecânica de duas encostas no município de Ipojuca - PE.

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