dc.contributorGaiger, Luiz Inacio Germany
dc.creatorFaria, Luíza Cristina de Castro
dc.description.abstractEssay developed in the scope of Social Sciences, in the intersection with the Law. It seeks to study the taxation as a combat component of social inequality, addressing it as a kind of social gender, according to which every taxpayer should be taxed based on their individual capacity of financial support. It also assesses the structural elements of the tax justice: solidarity and redistribution. Analyzes the role of taxes in the state different settings; thus, studying the Brazilian tax system, its main rules and operation of the tax burden by checking their composition by type of tax and comparing it to other countries. Still, noted social inequalities in its many aspects, the problem of naturalization and the main issues encountered in combating it. It searches to highlight the asymmetries that contribute to tax regressiveness and makes suggestions to ensure equitable taxation. Based on this perspective, it checks the social and economic-financial viability of each measure through simulations on the impact of some other options on tax collection, proposing a change in the current tax system. Finally, it understands that it is necessary that changes should be made in the structure of taxation, in order to increase the taxation of equity and reduce the taxation on consumption and qualify taxation on income.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectJustiça fiscal
dc.subjectTax justice
dc.titleJustiça na tributação: uma proposta de reforma com vistas à redução das desigualdades sociais

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