dc.contributorCulleton, Alfredo Santiago
dc.creatorFröhlich, Sandro
dc.description.abstractThe paper makes an analysis of several relevant and central themes to the existence and the human condition from a philosophical horizon. Concerned to understand the essential elements to achieve a good life, aims to question some concepts and policies and economic practices, but also propose ideas and alternatives to support the continued construction of a freer entire way of life. The first step is the proposal to expand the horizons of informational bases that provide criteria to judge and shape the lives and well being of individuals. Once enlarged perspective analysis offers as an alternative the focus of capabilities, which includes mainly three main concepts and understanding modes: the entitlements which represent ways of effectively enable people to actual conditions to achieve a quality of life and well being; the functions, are the ways of being and acting that are achieved and realized from the assets and resources available to people and; the capability is in addition to the effective performed runs, the freedom to seek and pursue the way of life that one has reason to value and prefer; a kind of opening to the subject possibility to realize the virtues that elects to your life. A life of freedom is also a good life; freedom may have different meanings, as can be seen throughout the history of human thought. The ancients perceived it as a condition of human achievement in the public sphere, while modern interpret it as a lack of interference in the private spheres. May represent either the lack of an unauthorized intervention (negative freedom) as well as freedom to achieve the purposes it deems valid (positive freedom). Freedom takes different facets and can manifest or express as much as opportunity, as process; free agency or freedom of welfare; freedom as control or as power. Freedom as an end and as a tool, it is not an mere means for development, but appears as the aim of all economic and political processes. It is the freedom that is the basis and guides the decision-making processes of individuals and the community. It is also one of the guiding elements of the processes that analyze forms of processing of personal choices in collective choices - object of study of the theory of social choice. Themes these that lead to a more detailed analysis of democracy, governance model of all, with all and for all citizens. Among the many forms of expression of democracy, it stands democracy as 'public debate' ideas, which requires the opportunity of effective participation or representation of the interests of all. The human life is the community and the collaboration of discussion and construction in the political arena is also a way of developing the human affairs of every individual. Free, democratic societies that allow the active participation of citizens, end up creating better human development conditions and expansion of freedoms.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.titleA liberdade e a participação democrática no desenvolvimento humano: um enfoque filosófico a partir de Amartya Sen [manuscrito]

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