dc.contributorCoulon, Fabiano Koff
dc.creatorAhlert, Dieter William
dc.description.abstractThe recovery is proposed and approved through the presentation and approval of the judicial recovery plan, which will include the means of recovery that will be used during the procedure to achieve the socio-economic reestablishment of the recovering company. Thus, this article performs a quantitative jurimetric analysis of the most presented and most approved means of judicial recovery by the assembly of creditors in the specialized courts of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, namely Novo Hamburgo and Porto Alegre. This is a quantitative research, performed through deductive method and bibliographic and documentary technical procedure. Thus, the reflections begin by describing the process of judicial recovery with its concept, principles, requirements and procedures, to enter the characteristics of the recovery plan and, later, the description of the means of judicial recovery. Afterwards, a database was carried out in which proceedings were open to process, to enter the recovery plans presented and the recovery plans approved by the general meeting of creditors in the specialized courts of Rio Grande do Sul, developing several tables for demonstrate the means used by each company in each recovery plan proposed in its contract, then perform the quantitative analysis of the most presented means in the proposed judicial recovery plan and the analysis of the most accepted and / or requested means for approval of the recovery plan. recovery accepted by the general meeting of creditors, demonstrated by graphs, performing the jurmetric analysis of the collected data. Of which, it is concluded that there is no standard, but the repeated practice of using the means of items I, II and XI, listed in article 50 of Law 11.101/05, as it is understood to be the means that most demonstrate the willingness to recover the business activity and social function of the company in judicial recovery.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectRecuperação judicial
dc.subjectJudicial recovery
dc.subjectGerichtliche einziehung
dc.titleAnálise jurimétrica dos meios de recuperação judicial: a partir dos planos aprovados pela assembleia de credores

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