dc.contributorSchneider, José Odelso
dc.creatorPinheiro, Adevanir Aparecida
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation seeks to determine the visibility of the Education of Racial-Ethnic Relations in the implementation of the concerning legislation in southern Brazil community colleges, being one from Vale do Rio Ivaí, in the State of Paraná, another from Vale do Rio Itajaí, in the State of Santa Catarina, and another one from Vale do Rio dos Sinos, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In the research conducted by analysis of official documents, academic activities and interviewees speeches in the three institutions, while some important clues of visibility of the issue and of the inclusion of African descent people were found, one faces also the real reality of the relationship between blacks and whites in each of the three contexts, expressed as resistance to the inclusion of this subject and its subject, mixed with advances that has taken place. These resistances are widespread and focused, with more or less intensity, are related to each context. Taking into consideration subjects related to exclusion/inclusion, identity, visibility/invisibility, control by reactions and perceptions, and the opportunities, this paper helps to find or unveil 1) very specific difficulties experienced by people of African descent, especially involving subtle processes that exclude or hinder the participation of these people in social, educational decisions, including in the ones concerning their own identity; 2) the repeated perception that African descent people organize work, create opportunities and conditions, provide methodologies and projects, but in the end the whiteness end up taking hold and taking the leading role, with or without their participation; 3) the important role played by the Catholic Churchs pastoral organizations, in the three contexts, highlighting also the strong role played by inter-religious dialog institutions. The research also helps determine 1) the existence of very different historical processes, comparing the three contexts, of the black movement and, consequently, of ethnic-racial relations, as well as its impact with more or less consistency of the institutions researched in the issue in question, 2) the differentiated existence of internal institutional dynamics to each college, considering its institutional history and its official recent decisions regarding the initiatives for the institutionalization of the Education of Racial-Ethnic Relations. The general finding is that there is a good start to struggle for inclusion and empowerment, but there is much to do, because it is prevailing resistance and silences that sometimes manifest themselves in reactions loaded with finesse and coolness. The study is referred in its theoretical construction inputs by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Florestan Fernandes, Alberto Melucci, Vron Ware, Maria Aparecida Bento, Kabenguele Munanga, Paulo Freire, Petronilha Beatriz Gonçalves da Silva e Silva, Nilma Lino Gomes, Frantz Fanon and others. It results, from the three institutions and their contexts, the belief that the inclusion of African descent people is a matter of ethics and morality with regard to social rights and ethno-racial identity, compared to a historical debt of the Brazilian society, which left his pack in splendid cradle of whiteness.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectEducação das relações étnico-raciais
dc.titleIdentidade étnico-racial e universidade : a dinâmica da visibilidade da temática afrodescendente e as implicações eurodescendentes, em três instituições de ensino superior no sul do país

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