dc.contributorFonseca, Marcelo Jacques
dc.creatorBavaresco, Vera Lúcia Yeckel da Costa
dc.description.abstractThis paper tries to understand the consuming behavior of popular classes individuals, facing an economic crisis enviroment. To achieve this aim, was necessary to aproach the scenery before crisis, that goes from Plano Real to the latest years economical politics and the consequent improvement in life condictions of this social class. We can infer that they kind of gave away to this consumist behavior, as proof some of the studies on what this paper was based. With this behavior, they managed to get the inclusion and status so eagerly antecipated. It stands that they learn how to consume in several points of view, from planning, going through the resources administration, credit and payment, till the meaning and the logics of possessing and the power that those concepts have in therms of distinction and belonging, composing, from this point, a new legion of consumers: the consumists. However, it's important to highlight that access to consumer markets itself does not assures an upward social mobility. Regarding this new subject, the crisis, we saw up they are used to "tighten their belts", though they don't stop consuming. In other words: they reappraise and adjust their modus operandis, using financial planning to buy in cash, reserving the credit card to more expansive purchases, leaving behind some superfluous, such as laisure, in order to avoid cutting food items, managing their visists to supermarkets, giving preference to offers and promotions, sharing spaces, shopping excursions and even the bill itself. However, despite credit access restrictions and higher spread taxes, turning more difficult the access of those consumers to their dreams, they make perpectly clear that will find a way to reach their conquests and that they are constantly planning. We can say that what they are trying on is a trusting crisis more than it's an economic crisis. The fuse is the lack of perspective. As they don't know how will be tomorrow, they chose not running unecessary risks, what contracts consume and, consequently, break the economics ferris wheel. As a result of the latest years conquests, the knowledge and redemption to consume, the populars show a maturation in their acctions. And what changed, regarding the behavior of those popular consuming classes is that quality has no price, that they learned financing education, that when you offer credit it has to be implicit long therms installment, even if it implies paying more than it's value. Discounts must be real, since they save to buy for better prices, that buying in cash pays off, that whoever wants to be accepted by them must respect their values, being close, understand their logic and simple language, and perceive they don't need to be convinced that consuming is a way to belonging, as they are already surrended to consume, as long as they are respected in their beliefs and values.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectComportamento de consumo
dc.subjectConsumer behavior
dc.titleA crise, e agora? O comportamento de consumo das classes populares frente a um cenário econômico de crise

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