dc.creatorFonsêca, Sílvia Ferraz Sobreira
dc.identifierFONSÊCA, Sílvia Ferraz Sobreira. A concessão da tutela antecipada em face de sua postulação implícita. 2007. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2007.
dc.description.abstractThe process has as main purpose to constitute skillful instrument to satisfy the interest of the part that claims in judgment the accomplishment of a material right. The great concern of modern procedural science, however, is about the effectiveness of the jurisdictional guardianship, ahead of the fact of slowdown constitutes great obstacle to the effectiveness of the process. In this diapason, he was inserted in the native order, through Law n º 8.952/94, the institute of the anticipation of the guardianship as measured of provisory and fulfillment, applicable character in generic way to the situations citizens to the cognition process. It consists of supplying to the author, total or partially, what it intends to get to the end of the process, in the hypotheses where it has established distrust of irreparable damage or difficult repairing , or is characterized the abuse of process of defense or manifesto dilatory intention of the male defendant , with the purpose to assure the utility of the final result of the process. The questioning of this work happens, however, in what it says respect to the possibility of the concession of the generic anticipated guardianship in face of its implicit postulation. The diverse positioning had been analyzed trying to solve the investigation displayed. Some instructors affirm not to be possible, in virtue of the express requirement of the legal device in regards to the petition of the interested person. They argue, still, that it would represent a confront to the traditional principles of the process, as of the demand or the initiative of the part, the astriction of the judge to the order, the principle device and the principle of the impartiality of the judge. Other instructors understand for the possibility of the supported concession of the anticipated provisions in the implicit order, in the hypotheses where the judge to observe that the requirements demanded for the law are gifts. They ahead allege that of the character publicist of the process, this must take care of above all to the principles of the ample access to justice and of due process of law, considering the importance of the effectiveness of the jurisdictional guardianship. These authors allege that, would not have breaking to the principles constitutional, in the measure where the order of anticipation of the guardianship would be contained, same that implicitly, in the initial order of the part. After the developed research we come to the conclusion that must be possible the concession of the anticipated guardianship despite the order is not express in the initial. He is that, making a balance of the values in game in the case concrete, the judge must is apt to give bigger effectiveness to the process, in fulfillment to the constitutional concept
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambuco
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjecttutela antecipada
dc.subjectprocesso civil
dc.subjecttutela jurisdicional
dc.subjectproporcionalidade (Direito)
dc.subjectprazos (Direito)
dc.subjectanticipated guardianship
dc.subjectcivil procedure
dc.subjectproportionality in law
dc.subjecttime (Law)
dc.titleA concessão da tutela antecipada em face de sua postulação implícita

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