dc.contributorBenetti, Silvia Pereira da Cruz
dc.creatorMattos, Maria Cristina Vieweger de
dc.description.abstractResearch on psychotherapy has increased the study of therapy dropout by exploiting the patient variables, therapist and theirs interaction. Few studies direct their research to adolescence, especially for the description of processes and therapeutic results. However, the adaptation of instruments that consider the peculiarities of adolescence is an important area to be invested. In this sense, this master's thesis aimed to evaluate the psychotherapeutic process of a teenage girl that the clinical outcome was the dropout. To this end, the sessions were coded with an instrument of Q-sort methodology adapted to adolescence. The Adolescent Psychotherapy Q-Set (APQ) seeks to evaluate psychotherapy sessions through 100 items describing the therapist, attitudes and behaviors of the patient and therapist-patient interactions. Was selected to describe the process, the items most and least typical of psychotherapy. This consisted of two treatment steps: twelve sessions and an dropout, returning after two months of absence and eight sessions that culminated in another dropout. Through analysis and descriptive narratives of sessions to reflect about the variables of patient, therapist and their interaction, seeking to explore the phenomenon of dropout in this psychotherapy. The results show significant criteria to psychotherapy, in which both patient and therapist showed characteristics and predictors postures to a good psychotherapeutic grip. However, against the dropout as a clinical outcome of this process, this thesis points out that the impossibility of patient's insight acquisition and the absence of therapist interventions that aimed to explore manifestations related faults, interruptions or breaks, contributed to this result.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.titleRefletindo sobre o abandono terapêutico: um estudo sobre avaliação de processo em psicoterapia psicanalítica na adolescência

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