dc.description.abstract | For long times the Clinical Psychology has been expanding its activity fields,enlarging its interventive modalities and area of performance. This fact has been addressing it for the development of studies and researches on several aspects of the human relationships, institutional, organizational, and so forth. In this work, a study was developed from one of those modalities that, in spite of very spread in the area, it still lacks of more studies and systematization: the supervisiono Using more precisely 8upervision of Psychological 8upport, the proposal is to link another modality Df clinical practice, the Workshop of Creativity, t°/supervise coordinators of groups of old people. The Workshop of Creativity, in that way, is a device that gives us specific strategies for the supervision work with those professionals. 80 much the supervision as the workshop are linked with the concept of experimentallearning, in other words, that comes from the experience to constitute itself. That concept provided the entail between psychology and education, more specifically between clinic and pedagogy, making possible for us to understand how the process of supervision gives us the possibility of learning and appropriation of knowing/doing on the pari of the professional who undergoes it, considering the affective and cognitive aspects involved, as well as the context of the intersubjectives relationships that show up in the supervision, as in the professional work as, algo, in the personal life | |