dc.contributorFollmann, José Ivo
dc.creatorSilva, Daiane Severo da
dc.description.abstractThe thesis aims to understand and analyze the discourses on life trajectories by black women intersecting gender, race and class at the university and in the community. Choosing to research about black women at the university has been justified on the observation of disadvantaged statistics, which reveal that black women are a minority at the university; while they face much anxiety and conflicts due to daily experiences, especially when it comes to working with female trouble. Besides that, it has been identified more strength and political action in the militancy. Through interviews, observations and field diary, the study shows similarities and differences according to diverse contexts. Through the categories Identity/Identification; Self-steam; Groups; Looks; Symbolic Violence and Family it is possible to verify such distinctions. The presence of black women at the university and in the community provokes the problematization of the discourses articulated to the triple gender oppression and discrimination, race and class, which excludes and impedes black women from being the protagonists of their own story and social ascension and does not permit a life of opportunities, success, comfort and stability. The study has as epistemological reference Sueli Carneiro, Nilma Lino Gomes, Petronilha Silva, Kabengele Munanga, Matilde Ribeiro, Jurema Werneck, Chimamanda Adichie, Karl Marx, Angela Davis and others.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectMulher negra
dc.subjectBlack women
dc.titleGênero, raça e classe: discursos de mulheres negras acadêmicas e mulheres negras comunitárias

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