dc.contributorSellitto, Miguel Afonso
dc.creatorSaueressig, Gislaine Gabriele
dc.description.abstractThe increased consumption and reduced life of durable goods, due in part by planned obsolescence, contribute to the increasing amount of urban solid waste. These wastes arise from the consumption of households and productive process of industry, and are the subject of academic research with an emphasis on recycling, reverse logistics, landfills, among other issues of social, environmental and industrial concern. This work aims to describe the role of cooperatives in the reverse logistics practices, in chains of Urban Solid Waste - USW. The approach chosen was the double case study with qualitative / quantitative method. It will be described how studied cooperatives are organized, comprising the historic and physical structure available. In addition, the waste flow will be explored, how is the collection and resale of materials. Data will be collected directly in cooperatives, through semi-structured interviews with the respective presidents and other members of the organizations. Also will be collected information on office documents. The work of recycling cooperatives has economic, social and environmental impact. In addition to generating income for communities and segments of the population in social vulnerability, it contributes to the conservation of natural resources and to the increasing of lifespan of landfills, also plays an important role in reducing the cost of raw materials for companies. By crossing the data, it was found that the cooperative work between the end consumer and the recycling industry, as a bridge, contributing to the collection, separation and processing of some materials not having, however, direct contact with the recycling industry. The work of cooperatives contributes to the reuse of RSU, because it allows the recycling industry has access to waste, which are taken from the urban areas, separated, baled, sometimes benefited, and re-sold to middlemen.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectResíduos sólidos urbanos
dc.subjectUrban solid waste
dc.titleA contribuição das cooperativas de catadores no gerenciamento e retorno de resíduos sólidos urbanos à indústria: estudo de caso

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