dc.description.abstract | This work aims to examine Bert Hellinger's ideas to relate those that dialogue with Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology. The concepts of these authors are approached, seeking to understand the integration and the ruptures between the different orders of phenomena (physical, vital, and human) and the implication in the issues related to the exclusion of the individual from a certain system and the dialectics of good and bad consciousness. The study presents initially a brief contextualization of the thinker Bert Hellinger, to understand conjuncturally possible elements that exercised some influence in the construction of his thought and his works. In the sequence, his contributions related to the themes of constellations, posture, belonging, hierarchy and balance in relationships, the orders of help and love, and the distinction between consciousnesses, linked to science and knowledge, are approached. Next, aspects of Merleau-Ponty's thought are presented, especially in the texts Phenomenology of Perception and The Structure of Behavior. The analysis of these two perspectives points to a dialogue between the approaches proposed by the theorists, with emphasis on the concepts of phenomenology and the systemic vision. It is also believed that some of these notions, especially regarding the orders proposed by Hellinger and the subject's systemic posture, are useful to lead to the understanding and pacifying practice of the judicial system nowadays. | |