COVID-19 and freedom of worship in Chile: the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court
COVID-19 y libertad de culto de Chile: la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema
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Poyanco Bugueño, Rodrigo Andrés
The pandemic has brought different challenges to the jurisdictional authorities, among them, solving controversies about the health measures adopted by the different Governments. The author focuses on the fundamental right to freedom of worship and how it was affected by the measures adopted by the Chilean Government as a result of COVID-19.
To approach the problem, recent jurisprudence is used, both from the Court of appeals and, mainly, from the Supreme Court of Chile. Through the jurisprudential analysis, the change of position of the Supreme Court is denoted, from a vision according to the restrictive measures dictated by the government, towards a position of defense of the fundamental right to freedom of worship, based both on the Political Constitution of Chile as in international human rights treaties. La pandemia ha traído distintos retos a los órganos jurisdiccionales, entre ellos, resolver controversias acerca de las medidas sanitarias adoptadas por los distintos Estados. El autor se enfoca en el derecho fundamental a la libertad de culto y cómo este se vio afectado por las medidas adoptadas por el Estado chileno a raíz del COVID-19.
Para abordar el problema, se utiliza reciente jurisprudencia, tanto de las Cortes de apelaciones como, principalmente, de la Corte Suprema de Chile. A través del análisis jurisprudencial se denota el cambio de postura de la Corte Suprema, desde una visión concordante con las medidas restrictivas dictadas por el Gobierno, hacia una postura de defensa del derecho fundamental a la libertad de culto, basándose tanto en la Constitución Política de Chile como en tratados internacionales de derechos humanos.