La información como recurso estratégico de prevención en salud del trabajador y un análisis del cerest de marília en el estado de são paulo;
A informação como recurso estratégico de prevenção em saúde do trabalhador e uma análise do cerest de marília no estado de são paulo

dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.contributorCentro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (Cerest)
dc.identifierRevista Cubana de Informacion en Ciencias de la Salud, v. 29, n. 3, 2018.
dc.description.abstractObjective: this article describes the experience of the Reference Center in Worker Health, regional of Marília city, in the state of São Paulo, as an informative mediator in the field of worker's health, more specifically in the campaign Do not pass of the limit! Supply only up to automatic!, a proposal from the Government of the State of São Paulo. Methods: during the campaign mediation a labor information was carried out, aimed at the health of the workers of the fuel stations, and through this action the occupational habits were lifted that will base the orientation to the professionals in future preventive actions in the context of workers' health. With the mediation process of the information aligned to the observation of the labor process of the subjects that act in the fuel stations, it was possible to characterize the risks caused by benzene to the health of these workers before the activities developed. The results obtained so far were analyzed in the light of the available literature that deals with worker health, mediation of information and risks of benzene. as a result of all this process, the municipality of Marília created a municipal law with a view to the prevention and control of the exposure of the workers of the fuel stations to the chemical risk of benzene. Results: the informational mediation process carried out through the execution of the campaign made possible, in addition to the adequate guidance on occupational habits of fuel station workers, a greater knowledge about the reality presented by the organizations and the subjects that compose them. Conclusions: this result shows that through the informational mediation some strategies were put into practice for the best development of work activities. With the informational mediation process the construction of legal mechanisms was possible, able to provide security to the workers of jobs combustile, customers and environment.
dc.relationRevista Cubana de Informacion en Ciencias de la Salud
dc.subjectWorker's health
dc.titleThe information as a strategic resource for prevention in worker's health and an analysis of cerest de marília city in São Paulo State
dc.titleLa información como recurso estratégico de prevención en salud del trabajador y un análisis del cerest de marília en el estado de são paulo
dc.titleA informação como recurso estratégico de prevenção em saúde do trabalhador e uma análise do cerest de marília no estado de são paulo
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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