dc.contributorUNIFEB-Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional de Barretos Endereço
dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.identifierCustos e Agronegocio, v. 14, p. 54-76.
dc.description.abstractIn the state of São Paulo, peanuts are commonly cultivated in sugarcane reforestation areas, where soils present low levels of macronutrients and base saturation. Studies related to fertilization in this crop have inferences mainly regarding the greater frequency of response to calcium supply. However, the economic feasibility of this management is little discussed, generating insecurity for producers as the best decision to be made. In this sense, the objectives of this research were to evaluate the agronomic performance of the fertilized peanut in sowing with the application of gypsum in cover and to evaluate economically and financially the treatments by the discounted cash flow method, by the cost-volume-profit approach and the rate of Return on investment. The experiment was conducted in the spring-summer 2014/2015 harvest, in Colina-SP, in an experimental design of randomized blocks in subdivided plots (10 treatments and 4 replicates). The plots consisted of 4 doses of NPK applied at sowing. The subplots for the treatments with 0 and 1,300 kg ha-1 of gypsum in cover, applied in the flowering of the culture. The results showed that the peanut is not responsive to NPK fertilization, which is not feasible financially, however, the plaster had an increase in pod production and reported economic and financial feasibility.
dc.relationCustos e Agronegocio
dc.rightsAcesso restrito
dc.subjectAgricultural gypsum
dc.subjectArachis hypogaea L
dc.subjectNPK fertilization
dc.titleAgronomic and economic-financial performance of peanut submitted to seeding fertilizer and coating plaster
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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