dc.contributorUniversidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
dc.contributorUniversity of Aberdeen
dc.contributorUniversity of Leeds
dc.contributorUniversity of Glasgow
dc.contributorUniversidade de São Paulo (USP)
dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.identifierSedimentary Geology, v. 385, p. 1-14.
dc.description.abstractThe influence of biotic processes in controlling the development of meandering channels in fluvial systems is controversial. The majority of the depositional history of the Earth's continents was devoid of significant biogeomorphic interactions, particularly those between vegetation and sedimentation processes. The prevailing perspective has been that prevegetation meandering channels rarely developed and that rivers with braided planforms dominated. However, recently acquired data demonstrate that meandering channel planforms are more widely preserved in prevegetation fluvial successions than previously thought. Understanding the role of prevailing fluvial dynamics in non- and poorly vegetated environments must rely on actualistic models derived from presently active rivers developed in sedimentary basins subject to desert-climate settings, the sparsest vegetated regions experiencing active sedimentation on Earth. These systems have fluvial depositional settings that most closely resemble those present in prevegetation (and extra-terrestrial) environments. Here, we present an analysis based on satellite imagery which reveals that rivers with meandering channel planforms are common in modern sedimentary basins in desert settings. Morphometric analysis of meandering fluvial channel behaviour, where vegetation is absent or highly restricted, shows that modern sparsely and non-vegetated meandering rivers occur across a range of slope gradients and basin settings, and possess a broad range of channel and meander-belt dimensions. The importance of meandering rivers in modern desert settings suggests that their abundance is likely underestimated in the prevegetation rock record, and models for recognition of their deposits need to be improved.
dc.relationSedimentary Geology
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectArid sedimentary basins
dc.subjectMeandering rivers
dc.subjectModern analogues
dc.subjectPrevegetation fluvial deposits
dc.subjectRemote sensing
dc.titleMeandering rivers in modern desert basins: Implications for channel planform controls and prevegetation rivers
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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