dc.description | This is a cross-sectional study from women including in the screening phase of the P5 Trial (Pessary Plus Progesterone to Prevent Preterm Birth Study). The P5 Trial was a randomized controlled trial that compared the effectiveness of vaginal progesterone alone versus progesterone plus cervical pessary in women with short cervix, coordinated by the University of Campinas (Trial registration RBR-3t8prz) and approved by the Brazilian National Review Board (CONEP) - number 1.055.555 [14]. In July 2015, a TVU screening program was implemented in 17 institutions (nine states in three regions: South, Southeast and Northeast of Brazil) for 44 months period as the standard of care during routine second trimester ultrasonographic examination. In the current analysis, we studied 8167 singleton pregnant women using an online database from the screening phase of the P5 Trial.
All pregnant women attending the ultrasound department of these facilities at gestational age between 18 0/7 to 22 6/7 weeks of gestation were invited to participate. Before the exam, the women received information about the technique of ultrasound and about the P5 Study; all provided written informed consent. Women with painful contractions, vaginal bleeding, cerclage during current pregnancy before the screening, ruptured membranes diagnosed before screening, severe liver disease, cholestasis during this pregnancy, previous or current thromboembolism, placenta previa, cervical dilation greater than 1 cm, monoamniotic twin pregnancy, higher order multiple pregnancies (triplets or higher), and major fetal malformation or at least one fetus and stillbirth were not eligible for the study. All twin gestations were excluded from our current analysis.
The gestational age was calculated using the date of the last menstrual period (LMP) and was confirmed by a first trimester ultrasound. When there were discrepancies ≥ 7 days, the first trimester ultrasound was used to calculate gestational age. Sociodemographic information, personal and previous gestational history and information about the current pregnancy were collected. After data collection and second trimester gestational US, TVU was performed using a GE Logic C5® equipment or similar with a 5–9-MHz transvaginal probe.
All sonographers were trained in cervical measurement according to the Fetal Medicine Foundation training program [15] and an additional training regarding the volume measurement. After emptying the bladder, the participant was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. The transvaginal ultrasound probe was introduced and directed toward the anterior fornix, avoiding exerting undue pressure on the cervix, which may artificially increase the length. A sagittal view of the cervix was obtained and the endocervical mucosa was used as a guide to the proper position of the internal os. Four strategies of uterine cervical measurements were used in our study: straight line measurement (SL) between the internal to the external os, used for the primary outcome (distribution); curved measurement (CM) with two straight measurements respecting the endocervical canal pathway between the internal and external os (Fig 1 and 2); anteroposterior measurement near the insertion of the uterine arteries, in the middle third of the cervix; and transverse measurement rotating the transducer 90 degrees to allow transverse visualization of the cervix. The volume of the cervix was calculated using the formula for the volume of a cylinder, πR²h, where R is half the transverse diameter of the cervix, and h is the length. The curved measurement and the measurements for calculating the volume were used only for comparison purposes with the standard straight measurement. The presence or absence of sludge and funneling were also evaluated. Funneling was present when the internal os opening was in the form of “Y,” “U” or “V,” with a width greater than 5 mm. The time required to complete the exam was approximately 10 minutes | |