dc.contributorSaire Pilco, Darwin
dc.creatorSaire Pilco, Darwin Danilo
dc.creatorRamirez Rivera, Gerberth Adin
dc.descriptionGLN creates a set of node embeddings H(l) that are later combined to produce an intermediary representation H_int​(l). Then, we use the updated node information with the adjacency information to produce a local embedding of the nodes' information H_local(l)​ that is also the output H(l+1). We also broadcast the information of the local embedding to produce a global embedding H_global​(l). We combine the local and global embeddings to predict the next layer adjacency A(l+1). Additionally, we create three Synthetic Graph Datasets: the 3D-Surface, Community, and Geometric Figures. The source code is available in the public repository https://gitlab.com/mipl/graph-learning-network and the datasets are available in https://gitlab.com/mipl/graph-learning-network/-/tree/master/datasets.
dc.publisherRepositório de Dados de Pesquisa da Unicamp
dc.subjectComputer and Information Science
dc.subjectGraph neural network
dc.subjectPattern recognition
dc.subjectDeep learning
dc.subjectMachine learning
dc.titleGraph Learning Network (GLN)

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