Um jogo de tabuleiro humano para auxiliar a aprendizagem de Geologia e Paleontologia na educação básica

dc.creatorAlves, Priscilla Dália S.
dc.descriptionThe present work proposes to verify, in the teaching of biological sciences in basic education (high school), the association between the contents of geopaleontology and evolution, and to study whether the students are able to relate the theoretical concepts learned in class with the events/phenomena that actually occurred millions of years ago, including the birth of planet Earth. By means of a ludic activity – a human board game with questions and answers –, this work sought to analyze and answer the frequent doubts that arise during the game. It was also observed that the game resulted in new learning, and how well students assimilated it.en-US
dc.descriptionThe present work proposes to verify, in the teaching of biological sciences in basic education (high school), the association between the contents of geopaleontology and evolution, and to study whether the students are able to relate the theoretical concepts learned in class with the events/phenomena that actually occurred millions of years ago, including the birth of planet Earth. By means of a ludic activity – a human board game with questions and answers –, this work sought to analyze and answer the frequent doubts that arise during the game. It was also observed that the game resulted in new learning, and how well students assimilated
dc.publisherUniversidade Estadual de Campinaspt-BR
dc.rightsDireitos autorais 2019 Terrae Didáticapt-BR
dc.sourceTerrae Didática; v. 14, n. 2 (2018); 185-192en-US
dc.sourceTerrae Didática; v. 14, n. 2 (2018); 185-192es-ES
dc.sourceTerrae Didática; v. 14, n. 2 (2018); 185-192pt-BR
dc.subjectNatural sciences; High school education; Geology; Paleontology; Evolution; Ludic activities.en-US
dc.subjectNatural sciences; High school education; Geology; Paleontology; Evolution; Ludic
dc.titleA human board game to help in teaching Geology and Paleontology in high schoolen-US
dc.titleUm jogo de tabuleiro humano para auxiliar a aprendizagem de Geologia e Paleontologia na educação básicapt-BR
dc.typeArtigo Avaliado pelos Parespt-BR

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