dc.creatorCardozo Soto, Ana María
dc.creatorMadera Doval, Dalia Patricia
dc.creatorGómez, Adan Alberto
dc.creatorCaro Piñeres, Manuel Fernando
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this article is to give general vision through the perspectives of several authors, where they will be highlighted in how metacognitive expectations play an important role within a cognitive agent.Cognitive agents are conceived as anticipatory systems; they are able to reason about the future and fulfill their goals thanks to their anticipatory representations. a cognitive agent has to be able to conceive and represent (implicitly or explicitly) its future, including its objectives, and to maintain its predictions and representations accurate. Goals are of primary importance for our analysis since they relate anticipatory mechanisms, representations, and future-oriented conducts. internal models, anticipatory representations and goal-directed behavior have always been related in the analysis of cognitive systems.es-ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Córdobaes-ES
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dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2018 Revista Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆes-ES
dc.sourceActa ScientiÆ InformaticÆ; Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Proponiendo estrategias metodológicas para la educación con TICen-US
dc.sourceActa ScientiÆ InformaticÆ; Vol. 1 Núm. 1 (2017): Proponiendo estrategias metodológicas para la educación con TICes-ES
dc.titleAn overview about metacognitive expectations in a cognitive agentes-ES

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