dc.creatorGutiérrez G, Nelson
dc.creatorAmorocho C, Claudia
dc.creatorSandoval A, Angélica
dc.creatorRuíz O, Yaneth
dc.descriptionObjective. To develop a Quality Index Method (QIM) for gutted and ungutted red tilapia from aquaculture ponds. Materials and methods. 40 specimens of gutted red tilapia and 40 ungutted ones were located in foam polyethylene boxes within layers of ice and storage at 4°C. Three fish were randomly sampled on days 0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17 for gutted tilapia, and on days 0, 3, 6, 9, 11, 14 and 16 for ungutted tilapia. A sensorial panel of 8 experts was formed to evaluate the product. With three samples each day with average points of the sensorial attributes proposed in the method, the quality index for gutted and ungutted red tilapia was obtained based on the storage time on ice. Results. The Quality Index Method obtained for gutted and ungutted red tilapia showed maximum values of 21 and 29, respectively. It was adjusted in an increasing lineal model with high correlation between the Quality Index and the storage time on ice. Conclusions. The developed model is useful to determine deterioration levels and to define storage and consumption time. For gutted red tilapia the panel rejected the fish after 8 - 11 days of storage whereas the ungutted red tilapia was rejected after 6 - 9 days.Key words: Cold storage, fish, freshness, sensory evaluation (Source: USDA)es-ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Córdobaes-ES
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dc.sourceJournal MVZ Cordoba; Vol. 20 No. 1 (2015): Revista MVZ Córdoba Volumen 20(1) Enero-Abril 2015; 4461-4471en-US
dc.sourceRevista MVZ Córdoba; Vol. 20 Núm. 1 (2015): Revista MVZ Córdoba Volumen 20(1) Enero-Abril 2015; 4461-4471es-ES
dc.subjectCold storagees-ES
dc.subjectsensory evaluationes-ES
dc.titleQuality Index Method developed for gutted and ungutted red tilapia (Oreochromis ssp)es-ES

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