Medidas y estrategias desarrolladas para la transici?n de modalidad virtual a la presencial por las docentes del nivel inicial
Tapia, Mar?a Paula
Santos, Marlenne de los
[Espa?ol] La presente investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo determinar medidas y estrategias desarrolladas para la transici?n de modalidad virtual a la presencial por las docentes del Nivel Inicial. El m?todo aplicado correspondi? al dise?o de investigaci?n no experimental, estudio exploratorio y descriptivo, enfoque cualitativo. Las participantes fueron seis (6) docentes del 2do ciclo Nivel Inicial del centro educativo de Educaci?n Inicial de Santo Domingo, siendo la selecci?n de esta muestra de tipo no probabil?stico. La informaci?n se recolect? a trav?s de una entrevista mediante la aplicaci?n de un instrumento de cinco (5) preguntas cerradas y cinco (5) preguntas abiertas. Los resultados relevantes evidenciaron que la transici?n de modalidad virtual a presencial para las docentes implic? realizar una serie de medidas y estrategias pedag?gicas como reintegraci?n de la rutina diaria anterior a la pandemia, retroalimentaci?n de contenidos del a?o escolar virtual, definir el protocolo de seguridad e higiene, as? como la selecci?n y ejecuci?n de estrategias tanto del curr?culo del nivel como las establecidas por el centro educativo seleccionado. La transici?n de la modalidad virtual a presencial implic? realizar cambios y adaptaciones necesarios para volver a reintegrar a los ni?os y ni?as a las aulas que reestableciera el v?nculo social y comunicativo directo con la docente y su grupo, y entre ellos mismos, para el alcance del desarrollo del proceso ense?anza ? aprendizaje presencial en el a?o escolar 2021-2022. [English] The objective of this research was to determine measures and strategies developed for the transition from virtual to face-to-face modality by teachers of the Initial Level. The applied method corresponded to the non-experimental research design, exploratory and descriptive study, qualitative approach. The participants were six (6) teachers from the 2nd cycle Initial Level of the Early Childhood Education center of Santo Domingo, the selection of this sample being non-probabilistic. The information was collected through an interview by applying an instrument of five (5) closed questions and five (5) open questions. The relevant results showed that the transition from virtual to face-to-face modality for teachers involved carrying out a series of measures and pedagogical strategies such as reintegration of the daily routine prior to the pandemic, feedback of contents of the virtual school year, defining the safety and hygiene protocol, as well as the selection and execution of strategies both of the level curriculum and those established by the selected educational center. The transition from the virtual to the face-to-face modality involved making the necessary changes and adaptations to reintegrate the boys and girls into the classrooms that would reestablish the direct social and communicative link with the teacher and her group, and among themselves, for the scope of the development of the teaching-face-to-face learning process in the 2021-2022 school year.