Frecuencia de hipovitaminosis D en adolescentes obesos vistos en la consulta de nutrici?n pedi?trica del Hospital General de la Plaza de la Salud, en el per?odo enero 2019 - diciembre 2019
Mart?nez Arech?, Ana Gabriela
Hern?ndez Charles, Linoska Emilia
[Espa?ol] Introducci?n: La hipovitaminosis D ha sido relacionada con el exceso de peso. M?todos: Se realiz? un estudio descriptivo tipo transversal con enfoque retrospectivo, donde se observ? a trav?s de los expedientes cl?nicos la frecuencia de hipovitaminosis D en pacientes adolescentes obesos que acudieron al Hospital General de la Plaza de la Salud, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom., entre enero y diciembre del a?o 2019. Los niveles s?ricos de 25(OH)D fueron categorizados en suficiencia (? 30 ng/mL), insuficiencia (entre 20 y 29.9 ng/mL) y deficiencia (< 20 ng/mL). Las categor?as deficiencia e insuficiencia de vitamina D fueron agrupadas en la categor?a hipovitaminosis D. Para el diagn?stico del grado de obesidad se consideraron los criterios de la Organizaci?n Mundial de Salud. Se seleccionaron 110 pacientes de una N= 278 y se tom? la informaci?n de los reportes de su prueba de 25-OH vitamina D, al igual que su talla, peso, IMC y edad. Se us? Excel, Epi Info 7 y JASP 0.14 para la tabulaci?n y el an?lisis de los datos. Resultados: Se encontr? que 65.45% de la muestra present? niveles insuficientes (20-29.9 ng/ml), 27.27% present? niveles deficientes (< 20 ng/ml) y 7.27% present? niveles suficientes de vitamina D. El 91.67% de las femeninas y el 94.74% de los masculinos present? hipovitaminosis D. Discusi?n: el presente estudio encontr? una alta frecuencia de hipovitaminosis D en la poblaci?n analizada (92.72%). La hipovitaminosis D se asoci? positivamente a la obesidad, pero no se encontr? relaci?n significativa entre los grados de obesidad y los niveles de vitamina D. Los adolescentes masculinos tuvieron mayor frecuencia de niveles inferiores de vitamina D que las femeninas, sin embargo, esta diferencia no fue estad?sticamente significativa. [English] Introduction: Hypovitaminosis D has been related to excess weight. Methods: A descriptive, crosssectional study was carried out with a retrospective approach, where the frequency of hypovitaminosis D in obese adolescent patients who attended the General Hospital of the Plaza de la Salud, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom., between January and December of the year 2019. The serum levels of 25 (OH) D were categorized into sufficiency (? 30 ng / mL), insufficiency (between 20 and 29.9 ng / mL) and deficiency (< 20 ng / mL). The categories of vitamin D insufficiency and insufficiency were grouped into hypovitaminosis D. For the diagnosis of the degree of obesity, the criteria of the World Health Organization were considered. 110 patients were selected from a N = 278 and information was taken from their 25-OH vitamin D test reports, as well as their height, weight, BMI and age. Excel and Epi Info 7 and JASP 0.14 were used for tabulation and data analysis. Results: It was found that 65.45% of the sample presented insufficient levels (20-29.9 ng / ml), 27.27% presented deficient levels (<20 ng / ml) and 7.27% presented sufficient levels of vitamin D. 91.67% of the female and 94.74% of the male presented hypovitaminosis D. Discussion: the present study found a high frequency of hypovitaminosis D in the analyzed population (92.72%). Hypovitaminosis D was positively associated with obesity, but no significant relationship was found between degrees of obesity and vitamin D levels. Male adolescents had a higher frequency of lower vitamin D levels than female adolescents, however, this difference was not statistically significant.