dc.contributorAalborg University
dc.creatorLundvall, Bengt-Åke
dc.description"When the first edition of Lundvall (1992) and of Nelson (1993), the concept ‘national innovation system’ was known only by a handful of scholars and policy makers. Over a period of 15 years there has been a rapid and wide diffusion of the concept. Giving ‘Google’ the text strings ‘national innovation system(s)’ and ‘national system(s) of innovation’ you end up with almost 1.000.000 references. Going through the references you find that most of them are recent and that many of them are related to innovation policy efforts at the national level while others refer to new contributions in social science..."
dc.descriptionAalborg University
dc.publisherPaper to be presented at CAS Seminar, Oslo, December 4, 2007
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dc.subjectSistemas nacionales de innovación
dc.subjectinvestigación científica
dc.subjectDifusión de tecnología
dc.subjectNational innovation systems
dc.subjectAcademic research
dc.titleInnovation System Research and Policy Where it came from and where it might go

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