dc.creatorNurse, Keith
dc.description"The aim of this paper is to assess the role of science, technology and innovation (STI) policies in addressing the challenges of global economic restructuring by small developing states like the Caribbean region. The key observation is that in the last two to three decades the world-economy has experienced a shift in the techno-economic paradigm, the growth of new leading sectors and the transformation of the international division of labour (Perez 2002). These changes in the world-economy have impacted negatively on most developing economies, with a few exceptions, particularly from East Asia..."
dc.descriptionTechnology Policy and Development in Latin America UNECLAC
dc.publisherTechnology Policy and Development in Latin America UNECLAC
dc.sourceCARICOM. Caricom website. Statistics on Trade in Services. http://www.caricom.org accessed October 2007
dc.sourceCARICOM (2006) Caribbean Trade & Investment Report: Corporate Integration and CrossBorder Development. (Georgetown: Caribbean Community Secretariat)
dc.sourceINTAL-IDB (2005) CARICOM Report (Buenos Aires, Argentina: INTAL)
dc.sourceMinistry of Trade and Industry of Trinidad and Tobago. (2007) We are Next: Sectors earmarked for development (Trinidad and Tobago: ETeck- Evolving TecKnologies and Enterprise Development Company Limited)
dc.sourceNIHERST. (2006) Science and Technology Indicators 2000 – 2004. (Port-of-Spain: NIHERST)
dc.sourceRamkisoon, Harold. (2007) “Caribbean Survival: Critical relevance of Science and Technology” Crisis, Chaos and Change: Caribbean Development Challenges in the 21st Century. SALISES Conference: Trinidad and Tobago, March 26-28, 2007.
dc.sourceThe World Economic Forum/ Harvard University (2002) The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002: Readiness for the Networked World. (New York, NY: Oxford Univ. Press).
dc.sourceThomas, Clive (1994), 'An Innovation-Drive Model of Regional Cooperation: Biotechnology and Sugar in the Caribbean' in L. Mytelka (ed.) South-South Cooperation in a Global Perspective (OECD: Paris).
dc.sourceUNCTAD (1999) Science Technology and Innovation Policy Review: Jamaica (New York and Geneva, United Nations)
dc.sourceUNCTAD.(2006) Information Economy Report 2006: the Development perspective. (New York and Geneva: United Nations).
dc.sourceUNECLAC (2005) Statistical Yearbook 2006 (Santiago, Chile: United Nations Publications).
dc.sourceUNECLAC. (2006) Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean. (Santiago, Chile: United Nations Publications)
dc.sourceUSPTO (2007) Number of Utility Patent Applications Filed in the United States, by Country of Origin, Calendar Year 1965 to Present. (US Patent and Trademark Office).
dc.subjectCiencia, Tecnología e Innovación -- Caribe (Región)
dc.subjectInnovaciones tecnológicas -- Caribe (Región)
dc.subjectTecnología y estado -- Caribe (Región)
dc.subjectPolítica científica -- Caribe (Región)
dc.subjectCiencia -- Caribe (Región)
dc.subjectScience & Technology -- Caribbean Area
dc.subjectTechnological innovations -- Caribbean Area
dc.subjectTechnology and state -- Caribbean Area
dc.subjectScience and state -- Caribbean Area
dc.titleScience, technology and innovation In the Caribbean

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