The indigenous worldview from communication
La cosmovisión indígena desde la comunicación
Sonia Lilia Godoy Bonilla
"With the participation of the Colombian indigenous communities in the National Constituent Assembly, in 1991, there is a ""change"" in the political scenario, because with this visibility as peoples the cultural homogeneity existing since eighteen decades ago is sinking. It is achieved then, an acceptance to the cultural diversity, to the ethnic plurality and the inclusion to the rights that assists them like indigenous towns to define, to decide and to structure its vision of world according to the own production. However, the communities feel that the existing media do not allow ""other"" social groups to be represented and that, because they are part of the private and the massive, they do not have a Constitutional enunciation but a ""homogenizing burden"". To this extent, as indigenous peoples, they direct their forces towards a mobilization process aimed at obtaining means of communication from and from the communities themselves. Currently, they have joined their processes, in addition to radio, print, video and web. With the participation of the Colombian indigenous communities in the National Constituent Assembly, in 1991, there is a ""change"" in the political scenario, because with this visibility as peoples the cultural homogeneity existing since the eighteen years ago is is sinking. It is achieved then, an acceptance to the cultural diversity, to the ethnic plurality and the inclusion to the rights that assists them as indigenous towns to define, to decide and to structure their vision of the world according to the own production. However, the communities feel that the existing media do not allow ""other"" social groups to be represented and that, because they are part of the private and the massive, they do not have a Constitutional enunciation but a ""homogenizing burden"". To this extent, as indigenous peoples, they direct their forces towards a mobilization process aimed at obtaining means of communication from and from the communities themselves. Currently, they have joined their processes, in addition to radio, print, video and web." "Con la participación de las comunidades indígenas colombianas en la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, en 1991, se da un “cambio” en el escenario político, pues con esta visibilización como pueblos se hunde la homogeneidad cultural existente desde dieciocho décadas atrás. Se logra entonces, una aceptación a la diversidad cultural, a la pluralidad étnica y la inclusión a los derechos que les asiste como pueblos indígenas para definir, decidir y estructurar su visión de mundo de acuerdo a la producción propia. Sin embargo, las comunidades sienten que los medios de comunicación existentes no permiten que “otros” grupos sociales se vean representados y que por ser parte de lo privado y lo masivo no tienen enunciación Constitucional sino “carga homogeneizante”. En esta medida, como pueblos indígenas orientan sus fuerzas hacia un proceso de movilización encaminado a la obtención de medios de comunicación de y desde las mismas comunidades. Actualmente, han unido a sus procesos, además de la radio, los impresos, el video y la web. With the participation of the Colombian indigenous communities in the National Constituent Assembly, in 1991, there is a ""change"" in the political scenario, because with this visibility as peoples the cultural homogeneity existing since eighteen decades ago is sinking. It is achieved then, an acceptance to the cultural diversity, to the ethnic plurality and the inclusion to the rights that assists them like indigenous towns to define, to decide and to structure its vision of world according to the own production. However, the communities feel that the existing media do not allow ""other"" social groups to be represented and that, because they are part of the private and the massive, they do not have a Constitutional enunciation but a ""homogenizing burden"". To this extent, as indigenous peoples, they direct their forces towards a mobilization process aimed at obtaining means of communication from and from the communities themselves. Currently, they have joined their processes, in addition to radio, print, video and web."