dc.contributorNascimento, Thiago Cavalcante
dc.contributorNascimento, Thiago Cavalcante
dc.contributorSousa, Paulo Daniel Batista de
dc.contributorTonon, Leonardo
dc.creatorBorchardt, Rafaela Guerra
dc.identifierBORCHARDT, Rafaela Guerra. Estratégias de fuga de armadilhas de investimento: uma observação do comportamento dos investidores. 2015. 33f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão Empresarial) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this article is to present the six strategies introduced by Barbedo e Silva (2008), which were drawn from the three main forces that drive the individuals to make errors in their decisions, and identify these strategies on the investors interviewed. It will be analyzed whether their comportment matches with the behavior agents’ model proposed by the Behavioral Finance. A literature review was held considering scientific articles and books from 1979 until 2014. It was also conducted four investors interviews in order to observe their behavior and to theoretically support the research. It has been established by them that the Barbedo e Silva’s theory was adopted in some strategies, contradicting the model proposed by the Behavioral Finance once it had a more rational behavior. It is important to understand that is during the decision -making process that the individuals are susceptible to errors, which enables them to improve their decisions as well as maximize their profits. However, it is important to point out the warning made by Lea (2000), which stated that if all the investors make the same investment decisions, the market will be in serious unbalance, dissolving the gains.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEspecialização em Gestão Empresarial
dc.subjectAdministração financeira
dc.subjectFinanças pessoais - Planejamento
dc.subjectAvaliação do comportamento
dc.subjectInvestidores (Finanças)
dc.subjectAdministração financeira
dc.subjectFinance, Personal - Planning
dc.subjectBehavioral assessment
dc.subjectFloor traders (Finance)
dc.titleEstratégias de fuga de armadilhas de investimento: uma observação do comportamento dos investidores

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