dc.contributorMenezes, Luis Fernando Glasenapp de
dc.contributorKuss, Fernando
dc.contributorMenezes, Luis Fernando Glasenapp de
dc.contributorKuss, Fernando
dc.contributorArboitte, Miguelangelo Ziegler
dc.creatorHirai, Matheus Massaru Goto
dc.identifierHIRAI, Matheus Massaru Goto. Consorciação com leguminosa ou suplementação energética em pastagem de aveia branca para terminação de novilhos. 2013. 72 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThe work was developed at Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus Dois Vizinhos, in order to evaluate the performance of cattle finished on pasture temperate intercropped with legumes or energy supplementation and meat characteristics and housing these animals. We used 18 bullocks, the genotype 1/4 Marchegiana quarter Aberdeen Angus 2/4 Nellore with an initial weight of 360 kg and 19 months of age, divided into three treatments: pasture oat, oat intercropped with white vetch and oat pasture supplementation associated with energy-based ground corn (1% body weight per day). The pasture showed significant interaction between the period of evaluation and treatment. The participation of vetch increased during the experiment from 3.51% to 12.21%, an opposite behavior observed for the participation of oats. The herbage mass, stocking rate, forage supply and accumulation rate did not differ between treatments. Average daily weight gain, liveweight per hectare and total live weight were better for treating oats with supplementation compared with the treatment of oat maiden being intermediaries for the treatment of oats associated with legumes.After evaluating the performance of pasture and cattle, the animals were killed and evaluated carcass characteristics and meat. The slaughter weight of steers grazing oats supplementation was superior to animals raised on pasture with oats,but did not slaughter weight of animals kept in oat associated with vetch.The hot carcass weight and cold carcass weight of supplemented animals was higher than the weight of the carcasses of animals treated with oatmeal or oat and vetch.The carcass conformation of the steers was greater with supplementation of animals maintained on oats and vetch. There was no difference between treatments for metric measurements of carcasses.For commercial cuts, cutting back + ribs was heavier for cattle treated with supplementation. Meat from animals finished with oats showed less tenderness as assessed by the panel of tasters, requiring greater shear force. In this study the steers with supplementation performed better and better carcass characteristics and meat quality when compared to steers on pasture single oat, with intermediate values for steers associated with oat with vetch.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDois Vizinhos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia
dc.subjectNutrição animal
dc.subjectBovinos de corte - Carcaças
dc.subjectAnimal nutrition
dc.subjectBeef cattle - Carcasses
dc.titleConsorciação com leguminosa ou suplementação energética em pastagem de aveia branca para terminação de novilhos

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