dc.contributorTonin, Paulo César
dc.contributorTonin, Paulo César
dc.contributorMarchetti, Ivair
dc.contributorBerghauser, Neron Alipio Cortes
dc.contributorFerruzzi, Yuri
dc.creatorZawodine, Joacir Alexandre
dc.identifierZAWODINE, Joacir Alexandre. Análise da eficiência térmica de materiais isolantes. 2016. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Manutenção Industrial) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThe concept of thermal insulation is relatively new, it emerged with the need to reduce energy costs for heating environments. By definition the thermal insulation is a material or structure that hinders the transmission of heat. For these reasons, porous or fibrous materials are used as thermal insulation, capable of immobilizing the dry air and confining it inside more or less leaktight cells. In the proposed work, a test structure was constructed to analyze the thermal behavior of three thermal insulation: sawdust, styrofoam and polyurethane. As a result it is observed that the time to reach the thermal equilibrium is lower in the Sawdust and higher in the Polyurethane. This proves the inverse relation between K and Time (k = 1 / t), as well as the excellent property that Polyurethane has as a thermal insulation, since it offers a great resistance to the passage of heat. Compared to sawdust, the thermal equilibrium of the polyurethane containing specimen was reached in 160 minutes (2 hours and 20 minutes) afterwards. Comparing Styrofoam and Sawdust this time was reached in 120 minutes (2 hours). In practice, therefore, it is possible to observe how much more efficient polyurethane and styrofoam are compared to sawdust.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherTecnologia em Manutenção Industrial
dc.subjectAnálise térmica
dc.subjectMáquinas térmicas
dc.subjectCalor - Condução
dc.subjectThermal analysis
dc.subjectHeat - Conduction
dc.titleAnálise da eficiência térmica de materiais isolantes

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