dc.contributorBerghauser, Neron Alipio Cortes
dc.creatorVariza, Gleici Maria
dc.creatorQuitaiski, Joseane
dc.identifierVARIZA, Gleici Maria; QUITAISKI, Joseane. Análise do planejamento e desempenho do processo de ressuprimento de produtos em quatro supermercados de diferentes portes na região oeste do Paraná. 2012. 52 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThis research presents a study on inventory management strategies adopted by different supermarkets in Western of Paraná. To conduct the survey the interview was applied to managers of inventory of four supermarkets in different sizes, chosen by intentional selection. Method of content analysis was used for data analysis, and the semi-structured interviews applied and presented in a framework synthesized from the opinions of each social actor in the process. The research is qualitative and was also used bibliographic and observation methods. The results collected in the research points to certain differences in management policies for the management of inventory, by size supermarket. However, the similarities were noted as regards the use of electronic information for inventory control, specifically the results which this type of technology proposes to provide for the companies. At the end it presents the concordance between the strategies adopted by companies studied, showing that as it may be some modern alternatives are not used, or when they end up being undervalued.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectControle de estoque
dc.subjectLogística empresarial
dc.subjectAdministração de material
dc.subjectSistemas de informação gerencial
dc.subjectInventory control
dc.subjectBusiness logistics
dc.subjectMaterials management
dc.subjectManagement information systems
dc.titleAnálise do planejamento e desempenho do processo de ressuprimento de produtos em quatro supermercados de diferentes portes na região oeste do Paraná

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