dc.contributorFavretto, Jaime
dc.contributorAmoroso, Anderson Levati
dc.creatorPierin, Almir Roberto
dc.creatorVargem, Bruno Marçau
dc.creatorFerres, Rogério da Veiga
dc.identifierPIERIN, Almir Roberto; VARGEM, Bruno Marçau; FERRES; Rogério da Veiga. Implementação do sistema de controle e acionamento de mesa posicionadora XYZ. 2015. 75 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThis task show the restructurin g of a Positioning Table of two axes XY model POSILIN 100, from W EG manufacturer, existing in the special machines laboratory from Federal Technological University of Parana – UTFPR, and it is used by students for teaching purposes. This task is about the development of interconnections in a third axe Z, the inclusion of a grip and a grinding machine , the restructuring and configuration of the existing drive and control systems, and also the preparation of technical documents such as diagrams and operation manual. In the task is described the specification phases of components, the readjustment of the control cabinet layout, and the integration between the Mach3 software and the physical project. After the executed steps you can perform programmed trajectories using the tree axes of the table, the transport parts through the grip and machining parts t hrough the grinding machine. Positioning Table s, also known as Cartesian Robots are widely used in indu stries for different purposes, improvin g this existing equipment will p rovide more complete equipment for use in UTFPR laboratories.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrotécnica
dc.subjectMáquinas - Projetos
dc.subjectControle de qualidade
dc.subjectMachine design
dc.subjectQuality control
dc.titleImplementação do sistema de controle e acionamento de mesa posicionadora XYZ

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