dc.contributorPinheiro, Nilcéia Aparecida Maciel
dc.contributorGrossi, Luciane
dc.contributorSantos Junior, Guataçara dos
dc.contributorPinheiro, Nilcéia Aparecida Maciel
dc.creatorLima, Alana
dc.identifierLIMA, Alana. Ensino de grandezas e medidas: uma proposta com materiais didáticos manipuláveis para o 6º do ensino fundamental. 2017. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study is to analyze how the use of Manipulable Materials can contribute to the process of learning the concepts of Greatness and Measures for students of the 6th year of Elementary School. It was assumed that learning is a process of constructing meaning of objects and that understanding depends on the life experiences of each subject being understood as prior knowledge of the students. From this perspective, a didactic sequence was elaborated and applied, based on the theme Grandezas e Media. From the methodological point of view, the study was inserted in a qualitative research, of an interpretative nature, involving students of the 6th grade of Elementary School of a state public college in the city of Ortigueira - PR. The research was guided by the following question: What contributions could the use of Manipulable Materials bring to the learning of Greatness and Measures in the 6th Year of Elementary Education? The data used in this work were collected throughout the development of the didactic sequence, using the following instruments: application of diagnostic evaluation, observation, photographs, written records and oral reports. The results indicate that the activities of the modules of the didactic sequence contributed to the progressive advancement of the students' knowledge, demonstrating that it is possible to carry out a differentiated and contextualized work centered on the formation of citizenship. It is worth remembering that the implementation of this proposal requires collective effort and concretization of the commitment inherent in pedagogical action - the practice of research, reflection and permanent formation. With the purpose of sharing teacher knowledge with other professionals of the area, as a final product of this work, a pedagogical book was elaborated, containing a didactic sequence with a set of didactic activities that enabled the use of Manipulable Materials as pedagogical tool in the final series of Teaching Fundamental, titled: "Teaching of Greatness and Measures: a proposal for a didactic sequence with manipulable materials".
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPonta Grossa
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia
dc.subjectAlfabetização matemática
dc.subjectInstrumentos de medição
dc.subjectPesos e medidas
dc.subjectMeasuring instruments
dc.subjectWeights and measures
dc.titleEnsino de grandezas e medidas: uma proposta com materiais didáticos manipuláveis para o 6º do ensino fundamental

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