dc.contributorFracaro, Normelio Vitor
dc.creatorOliveira, João Paulo Beato de
dc.identifierOLIVEIRA, João Paulo Beato de. Otimização de processos construtivos através da inserção de novas tecnologias na indústria da construção civil: vantagens da aplicação do sistema Light Steel Framing em residências unifamiliares. 2013. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThe need to reduce large the deficit existing housing in Brazil, the timelines of civil works overly slow for to be completed on time and at less cost to the public coffers, and waste generated by the traditional method of execution used by the constructive conventional system, allow-we conclude that it is urgent necessary industrialization of the construction industry. Because of this new technology, more specifically, new systems lighter and with characteristics drought of production, or are gaining more space in the steps of the constructions, or they themselves constitute a complete housing construction, characterizing how new systems constructives. The Light Steel Framing System, the object this study, is the bet adopted by companies looking for a differential in the sector for to compete and surpass the conventional building system, and that too worry in generate impact lesser on the environment.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.subjectProdução enxuta
dc.subjectAço - Estruturas
dc.subjectConstrução civil
dc.subjectLean manufacturing
dc.subjectSteel, Structural
dc.titleOtimização de processos construtivos através da inserção de novas tecnologias na indústria da construção civil: vantagens da aplicação do sistema Light Steel Framing em residências unifamiliares

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