dc.contributorPerondi, Miguel Ângelo
dc.contributorAlmeida, Antonio Cavalcante de
dc.creatorCavalheiro, Aline da Rocha
dc.identifierCAVALHEIRO, Aline da Rocha. Trabalho assalariado na Terra Indígena Mangueirinha: análise das estratégias Guarani e Kaingang. 2015. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThe indigenous people of Brazil are undergoing transformations since the colonization period, when the contact with Europeans began the process of cultural hybridization, for both culture groups. Currently, the traditional way of life has become impossible to indigenous people who have pursued strategies of resistance and preservation of their identity to the surrounding society. In this new economic format, in which indigenous peoples increasingly need the use of money, and, given the few options for obtaining income within the Indigenous Land (IL), the most common feature has been seeking profitable activities outside. Faced with the contemporary indigenous reality, this study aimed to investigate and analyze the strategies and consequences of wage process of people Kaingang and Guarani IL Mangueirinha - PR. Therefore, the research sought to interview the Guarani and Kaingang Indians who are included in the formal wage labor as well as the leaders of the two peoples, some residents and representatives of IL companies that hire the indigenous swage labor. Finally, the study pointed to a significant importance of indigenous leaders in the formal wage labor process and identified different responses to wage between the two peoples studied, essentially given the cultural differences between them.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional
dc.subjectÍndios Guarani
dc.subjectÍndios Kaingang
dc.subjectÍndios - Aspectos econômicos
dc.subjectGuarani Indians
dc.subjectKaingang Indians
dc.subjectIndians - Economic aspects
dc.titleTrabalho assalariado na Terra Indígena Mangueirinha: análise das estratégias Guarani e Kaingang

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