dc.contributorMarin, Luciene de Oliveira
dc.contributorDenardin, Gustavo Weber
dc.creatorGaspari, Sidney
dc.identifierGASPARI, Sidney. Protótipo de um robô móvel autônomo seguidor de paredes internas. 2014. 67 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThis work presents the developed hardware and control software to a mobile robot prototype able to move around its environment and following internal walls. The Curumim robot chassis was used to the hardware project, in addition, the control processor, the sensors and actuators was chosen in order to build an autonomous mobile robot. Solutions related to the challenge of installing and configuring the components were presented. The low-level control software proposed includes classical concepts such as PID, on-off and proportional control. The good performance of the low-level controllers implemented has supported the development of the high-level control, which allows to the robot to follow internal walls in an open environment, with or without the presence of obstacles. The robot’s trajectory mappings obtained by different combinations of low-level controllers and environments were presented and discussed.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Informática
dc.subjectRobôs móveis
dc.subjectRobôs - Sistemas de controle
dc.subjectEngenharia de protótipos
dc.subjectSensoriamento remoto
dc.subjectMobile robots
dc.subjectRobots - Control systems
dc.subjectPrototypes, Engineering
dc.subjectRemote sensing
dc.titleProtótipo de um robô móvel autônomo seguidor de paredes internas

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