dc.contributorMiquelin, Charlie Antoni
dc.creatorBrey, Andressa Caron
dc.identifierBREY, Andressa Caron. Elaboração de um guia para o uso do tensor de difusão em ressonância magnética para os profissionais da área. 2014. 86 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
dc.description.abstractDiffusion tensor imaging (DTI) by magnetic resonance (MR) is a recent method of acquisition whose utilization has been fairly reduced in services that use equipment with DTI software. From this situation, one observed the need to develop a guide for professionals involved in MR, which would serve as a reference source to assist in the acquisition of DTI. In order to make this guide, a reference was necessary to be given a steer and it was obtained through a questionnaire administered to professionals who work with MRI in a clinic in Curitiba. Through the questionnaire, it was possible to raise the concepts and parameters the guide could explain, especially emphasizing technique basic parameters, forms of data reconstruction and visualization forms. The guide was made explaining the acquisition of DTI, the main parameters involved and the common terms for these kinds of tests. In addition, 15 commonly asked questions about the DTI were prepared with quick reference tables. The final result is an easy-to-understand guide which aims to help the area professionals to search, apprehend and use the diffusion tensor imaging technique. Although it is ready, there is the need to introduce the guide and collect suggestions, and still, improve the professionals’ early questions to enhance the guide.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica
dc.subjectDiagnóstico por imagem - Métodos
dc.subjectImagem de ressonância magnética
dc.subjectInstrumentos e aparelhos médicos - Manuais, guias, etc.
dc.subjectPessoal da área médica - Treinamento
dc.subjectMétodos de simulação
dc.subjectEngenharia biomédica
dc.subjectDiagnostic imaging - Methods
dc.subjectMagnetic resonance imaging
dc.subjectMedical instruments and apparatus - Handbooks, manuals, etc
dc.subjectMedical personnel - Training
dc.subjectSimulation methods
dc.subjectBiomedical engineering
dc.titleElaboração de um guia para o uso do tensor de difusão em ressonância magnética para os profissionais da área

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