dc.contributorModolo, Alcir José
dc.contributorAndrade, Gilberto Santos
dc.contributorSgarbossa, Maicon
dc.contributorModolo, Alcir José
dc.creatorFrizon, Igor
dc.identifierFRIZON, Igor. Uso de pulverizador com e sem assistência de ar nas barras nos tratos culturais da cultura da soja. 2018. 65 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe efficiency in the control of phytopathogenic agents involves quality of spraying and quantity of product used in the operation, being directly related to the application technology. In order to increase application quality, air assisted sprayers in the bars direct the flow of the spray into the target, improving the distribution and penetration of the canopy, with increased productivity and economic profitability in response to good quality of phytosanitary control. This work aims to evaluate the application in the soybean crop, with tractor spray with and without air assistance in the spray bars. The experiment was conducted in private property, in the municipality of Coronel Vivida - PR. An Advance 2000 AM18, vented bar (Vortex) was used, coupled to a New Holland tractor model TL95. The tips used were Magnojet AD / D, spaced 0.50 meters apart and have medium and fine diameter droplet production characteristics, regulated to apply 150 liters per hectare, in phenological stages V6, R2 and R6. Before spraying, random plants were selected in each plot to sample spray deposits. Artificial, hydrosensitive papers with a size of 76x26 mm were fixed on them, two on the upper third, two on the middle third and two on the lower third of the plant, on the adaxial surface of the leaflets. To quantify the deposits and to evaluate the quality of the coverage, the GOTAS® software was used. In general, the different treatments used did not affect the size of droplets produced by the nozzles. Spraying with air assistance in the bars favored the penetration of product deposition in the middle and lower thirds of the plants, especially in the more advanced stages of the soybean crop, where it is more difficult to reach the lower regions of the plants. Thus, it is superior in relation to the non-use of the technology during the application.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Ciências Agrárias
dc.subjectProdutos químicos agrícolas
dc.subjectEquipamento de pulverização
dc.subjectSoja - Cultivo
dc.subjectAgricultural chemicals
dc.subjectSpraying equipment
dc.subjectSoybean - Planting
dc.titleUso de pulverizador com e sem assistência de ar nas barras nos tratos culturais da cultura da soja

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